Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Don't Believe the Hype

It seems the GOP is determined to find out just how far they can push the American public.  We have answered, it is time to push back and stop the erosion of our society.  Our generation was instilled with the belief that we could achieve anything if we are willing to work for it.  That fantasy has been shattered in the past decade, to be replaced by the reality that most of us must fight just to survive.  The Corporado's brought us to the brink through a decade of rampant pillaging of our resources and our welfare.  The recent resurgence of the GOP has quickly shown us the true nature of their agenda.  I wholeheartedly applaud the Americans around the country who are standing up, let Egypt be an example to us of the true power of the people.  Now is the time to stand up and say enough.  Don't let your state government sell public utilities to Corporado's (see Enron and  the California energy crisis of 2001).  Please don't depend on your television as your only source, look beyond yahoo and reuters.  Place the basis of your position on facts, not rhetoric.

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